Snap Shots 1 (2017 & previous years)

Monee’s BJ checks out Evie’s cream cheese 12-27-13
Evie loves cream cheese. There are a variety of things that Devon Rex just love us to share with them. (BJ like Cheetos Puffs) Small tastes of human food may be a treat – but never give foods with garlic, onions, or chocolate. Most herbs are not a good idea either. Cats and kittens may drink goat’s milk but should not drink regular milk from cows. Skip the beer, wine, and fine spirits, too, please:>)

Monee’s BJ, black smoke & white girl – morning rest time; 11-8-13

Teaser action – Neon-Cat Sabrina (left) & BJ (right) with Evie, Austin, and Dot up top; 12-5-13

Meagan’s Gwynn; 11-3-13

Tillie – blue silver patched tabby & white girl, molted

Juanita’s Denny – handsome 8 week old chocolate & white Devon Rex boy; 9-14-13

Kitten play – Denny & Sabrina; Ferro and Tillie are in the background; Photo from 10-10-13

More kitten play: Neon-Cat Sabrina, black & white girl on top; Denny on the bottom; photo from 10-10-13

Gabriella’s Tara – at play on the cat track; Tara is a chocolate tortie & white girl; her eyes are turning green; Photo from 10-10-13

Pat’s Sienna (calico) & Ashley (tortie & white) at close of day; 9-14-13

Dot – morning light; Dot is a chocolate calico

Dot gets a snack – IAMs dry kitten foodv

Deanne – red spotted mackerel tabby & white girl, 7 weeks old

Baby Miranda – silver tabby & white girl; 8-18-09

Vivian at the window; Vivian is a tortie & white; 8-27-09

Ghirardelli …hmmmm…. (chocolate & white boy); 10-10-09

Lustral, a white girl, going odd-eyed; 12-14-07

Super Fur – Laney’s Luke, Litzy & Lyle; 10-31-10

Anna; pretty calico girl; 3-3-12

Tabitha – chocolate calico Devon Rex kitten napping in the morning sun; 1-14-13

Kip showing classic tabby bull’s eye; 3-29-12

Brandi; 12 day old tortie girl; 5-20-13

My guy Neon-Cat Edgar Bow Tie – leaping around and showing off his classic silver tabby pattern; Edgar is Faye and Vinca’s brother; 3-27-14

Stack of kittens – Christine on top of Seamus (front) and Brandon (bottom); Seamus is a blue-eyed red lynx point boy; 6-3-14

Begging for more chicken – Christine (red tabby girl) won – how could I resist? 6-4-14

Family portrait – Ethan and Cyndy Richie with baby BeBe during a lively visit; 6-10-14

Liz: “She called it top sirloin scraps – wow!” 7-30-14

Binky & Jerry – he always wants his tummy rubbed; 9-25-14

Meatloaf and Jerry with friend Ethan; Devons can be turned this way and that way and don’t mind being on their backs; 10-16-14

Baby Phoebe – 6.5 weeks old; 10-2-14

Sudden thunder storm – Jerry Galahad and Binky; Devons are loyal and protective of those they love; 10-2-14

“Wow that winds is rattling everything!” – Jerry and Galahad; Devons don’t spook or shy and will usually run to investigate sounds and action; both these boys settled back down and went to sleep out the rest of the storm; 10-2-14

Meatloaf: “Hmmm, Galahad is singing! Sounds pretty good.” Devons have a very wide range of vocalizations, from the normal kitty ‘meow!” to chirps, peeps, and even a song or two. Some Devons also have what is termed a silent meow where they open their mouth but you hear no sound. 10-5-14

Phoebe inspects ductwork; Devons are not shy and are bold about checking things out if you have a home project or technicians in to do work; 10-16-14

Phoebe inspects HVAC supplies; 10-16-14

Meatloaf and Galahad watching me prime walls (Meatloaf just got scolded for running through the paint tray); 11-5-14

Pauline reserves Lola – happiness and joy! 11-30-14

“She seems pretty serious about taking photos…” – Annanbelle and Presley; 2-17-15

Annabelle: “Yes, I’m napping!!!” photo from 2-26-15; Annabelle has molted and likes a blanket

Gandalf – 10 week old cream point boy – he’ll always have pretty blue eye color; 5-8-15

Max, black & white boy with outstanding coat, 8 weeks old; 5-8-15

Zelda – beautiful and very spunky 8 week old red mackerel tabby girl; Zelda is 1.6 pounds of active kitten in this photo – she’s lots of fun! 4-29-15

Neon-Cat Nestle, retired stud boy, with his buddy Amanda; 4-15-15

Kitten love – Neon-Cat Izabella kisses Bear (Marvel/M&M). Izabella is a red classic tabby & white kitten and Bear is a little chocolate boy kitten; 6-12-15

Neon-Cat Virgil – natural mink; 7 weeks old; 7-29-15

Neon-Cat Virgil – natural mink boy at 7 weeks old; Virgil’s point color arises from a combination of the cs (Siamese) and cb (Burmese) genes which form the color basis for Tonkinese cats. Being recessive genes, both the cs and cb genes may convey down family lines, as they did in Virgil’s relatives; Virgil’s mom is a mitted chocolate & white queen; his dad is a blue-eyed red lynx point & white stud; Virgil has four siblings – a tortie sister, a tortie & white sister, a chocolate tortie & white sister, and a black & white brother. Virgil’s eye color will be a beautiful, (non-flashing) blue-green as he ages. It is estimated that Devon Rex can have over 1200 colors and patterns. Photo from 7-29-15

Tom amd Rhonda’s beloved Bear – Chocolate boy – almost 6 months old; the chocolate color is a dilution of black; self (solid) chocolates have pink nose leather and little pink paw pads; 8-28-15

Letty: “Did you really think that bath would make me feel wonderful?!” Letty is a tortoiseshell & white girl (“tortie & white” for short) with tortitude to the max; photo from 8-30-15 at 12 weeks old. Letty is as interesting and lively as her coloring. She lives with Mauer and his family, including a dog, in Bedford, TX.

Neon-Cat Tristan – lively black Devon Rex boy kitten at almost 8 weeks old; 9-19-15

The classic tabby brothers – Megan’s Sterling and Olya’s Matroskin at 9 weeks old. Sterling is a silver classic tabby & white boy and Matroskin is a red classic tabby & white boy. Domestic cats have four distinct and heritable coat patterns – ticked (‘Abyssinian’ with faint striping on face and/or tail and a dark stripe down the center of the back), mackerel (parallel stripes off the center-line of the back), classic (whorled and blotched with center-body bull’s eye), and spotted (usually a broken mackerel pattern) – that are collectively referred to as tabby markings. We usually have kittens with mackerel or classic tabby patterns with an occassional spotted tabby girl or boy. The “and white” color results from the action of the white spotting (piebald) genes and may occur with any coat color or pattern. Photo from 10-24-15.

Dana, Sara & Richard’s Smokey (Peabody) – he’s a very playful and loving black & white kitten at 12 1/2 weeks old. Smokey (Peabody) has a marvelous coat and a sweet personality with a humorous touch. Photo from 10-15-15.

Molly Brown – calico kitten and the pumpkin; 10-28-15. Molly now lives with Whitney, Genevieve, and Hazel in Fort Worth.

Oreo watches the weather report as Molly Brown watches Oreo; they are 14 weeks old in this photo;

Two boys waiting for something to happen – Olya’s Matroskin (left) at 11 weeks old and Kristen’s Neon-Cat Tristan (right) at 14 weeks old; 11-6-15

Neon-Cat Virgil – natural mink devon rex kitten; 5 months old; photo from 11-6-15.

The Rudner’s Molly Brown; high-white calico Devon Rex; 12-5-15

Molly Brown finishes decorating the Neon-Cat Christmas Tree; 12-15-15

Rupert models his Santa hat; 12-17-15

Neon-Cat Mocha Crinkle (“Crinkles”) – natural mink & white girl – 7 weeks old and 1.8 pounds; 12-8-15

Clancy doesn’t miss a thing with his large, beautiful blue eyes and dramatically large ears. Clancy is a red point Si-Rex; he’s almost 11 weeks old in this photo which shows that he has molted his fluffy, soft, white coat (Devons rarely molt the fur on their tails or legs or the shorter hairs on face and ears); 1-17-16

Banjo: “What does it mean to be a Valentine?” – Chocolate & white boy, 6 weeks old; 1-25-16

Banjo – little Valentine; 6 weeks old and 1.10 pounds. For reference, the little plush Valentine toy is 6 1/2″ tall X 8″ wide; his little red bed is 8″ X 10″; 1-25-16

Chaz: “But I just must touch your hair!” Chaz is a cute, molted, 14 week old, red Devon Rex pretending to be a Sphynx; 2-5-16

Declan – almost ready to leave home. Declan is a cute and sweet red spotted (classic) tabby & white boy; 2-7-16

Clancy: “What! I’m leaving home today?” Clancy thought he had until tomorrow to say goodbye to all his little buddies. Clancy is a molted, blue-eyed, red point Devon Rex on his way to Ennis, TX. Photo from 2-12-16.

Luna (Cherry Moka) – modeling a blue bandana made for her by ‘Aunt Patty’; 2-7-16

Pebbles – beautiful little devon head. Pebbles is 6 weeks old and 1.10 pounds in this photo from 1-25-16.

Neon-Cat Ranger, a red classic tabby & white Devon Rex boy was our main stud cat for many years. He has a wonderful, soft, wavy coat. Intact (whole, i.e. un-neutered) males have large, strong jaw muscles that help them bite necks as part of the mating process. These large jowls tend to make their ears look less prominent. Neutered male pets usually display great ears since they do not grow stud jowls.

Neon-Cat Dolly, beautiful calico; a queen for a time here, Dolly now makes her home with Kathleen in Beaverton, OR. Photo from 4-19-14.

Neon-Cat Alexei and the Easter eggs. Alexei is a little natural-smoke mink girl who is 4 weeks old in this photo from 3-24-16.

Young Neon-Cat Cholita Red – at her extreme best. Cholita is a seal tortie point & white girl, 15 weeks old in this photo. She’s as colorful as a Spring garden; 4-2-16

Tiffanie’s Poe – almost 6 weeks old; 4-2-16

George & Kristina’s Vidar (Jaspurr) – almost 6 weeks old; he’s a spunky and cute red spotted tabby boy; 4-2-16

Vidar with George and Kristina – he’s going to become an Air Force brat! 4-4-16

George and Kristina’s Vidar – red spotted mackerel tabby; 7½ weeks old; 1.4 pounds; 4-13-16

After their baths – molted kittens Vidar (front), Ambrose (middle), and Nitro (in the back); eight weeks old; 4-19-16

Al and Bella’s Anastasia – lovely, little, chocolate-silver classic patched tabby girl; 10 1/2 weeks old; 5-9-16

Nitro: “Oh, she has the cat teaser out!” Nitro is small but spunky and named for nitroglycerin, an explosive. He answers to the nickname “Boomer”; photo from 5-12-16. Nitro will make his life with Tom & Rhonda in Florida.

Jojo and Carl’s Ruby, Keller, TX: “Deliver me from photos…” Ruby is a 9 week old red point girl with beautiful blue eyes. Right now her red color is confined to vivid orange on the tops of her ears and an orange striped tail. Photo from 6-3-16.

Baby Neon-Cat Stella at 5 1/2 weeks old. Stella is a very cute seal tortie point & white girl; 6-5-16

Lee & Brittany’s Bud (aka Klaus) and his sister Neon-Cat Stella. Here, the pair is 5 1/2 weeks old. Bud is a red classic tabby & white boy; Stella is a seal tortie point & white girl (the tops of her ears are orange); 6-5-16.

Amanda’s Dobby: “Ruby just went down the hole through the cat tree!” Dobby is 11½ weeks old in this photo; 6-15-16

Stella: “Bud has such soft fur I just can’t stop touching it!” Bud is a red classic tabby & white boy and Stella is a seal tortie point & white Devon Rex girl; they are 7 week old siblings; 6-15-16

Poutine (aka Maoza) – victorious climber! 6 weeks old; 7-1-16

Neon-Cat Flanagan – red point & white Devon Rex boy; 13 1/2 weeks old; 7-2-16

‘B’ (Skyler/Beyoncé) – beautiful seal tortie point girl – 6 weeks old. Skyler will always have pretty blue eyes. She will soon live in Southlake, Texas with Veronica, Todd, Jerad, and Grace; 7-1-16

JoJo and Carl’s Ruby (right) at 13 1/2 weeks old with Marian’s Neon-Cat Alexei (left) at 18 weeks old. Ruby is a red point girl and Alexei is a natural-smoke mink girl. Photo from 7-2-16.

Diggs family’s Cheyenne – headshot as daylight wanes; 7-1-16

Lee & Brittany’s Porter (aka Rafiki): “I’m not going to look cheerful until after dinner!” 7-12-16

Seal tortie point & white Devon Rex sisters: left – Grace’s ‘B’ (Skyler) and right – Aims’ Poutine; 12 ½ weeks old; 8-14-16

Lee & Brittany’s Porter (aka Rafiki) – good looking black & white Devon Rex boy at 13 weeks old; he’s sweet and mischievous; 8-16-16

Neon-Cat Stella – self contemplation at dusk; kittens and cats enjoy seeing their reflection in window glass; 8-27-16

Gunter’s Griffin – in black and white (blacks are hard to photograph); 9-5-16

Neon-Cat Stella – pretty and soft, seal tortie point & white, Devon Rex girl; 20 weeks old; 9-16-16

Alice and Cathy’s beautiful, little, red classic tabby girl ‘Rita Cheetah’ at 14 weeks old; she’s catching the last of the day’s sunshine; 9-17-16

Alice & Cathy’s Rita Cheetah finds a chair; 14 weeks old; 9-19-16

Nia’s Christy (ZuZu) – red spotted mackerel tabby & white girl; 14 weeks old. ZuZu is molted but will have a nice coat in a few months; 9-20-16

Kevin & Linda’s Tigger relaxing. He’s telling me in he’s not going to get up and pose for photos. Tigger is a red spotted tabby and you can see that his spots are even present on his chest and tummy; 9-25-16

Rebecca & Michael’s Sabor checks out lazy Tigger; 9-25-16

The Daley family’s Phoenix on the go. Phoenix is a tortie girl and has a mix of red/cream and black colored fur. She is molted now but will have a plush, nice coat later; here she is 11 weeks old; 9-28-16

Sally C.’s Zinnia – Monday weigh-in. Zinnia is a cute and playful, 6 week old, blue-eyed, red point & white girl; 10-17-16

Molly C.’s Cinnamon Dulce, like all Devon Rex, loves to play with a piece of crumpled paper; 6 ½ weeks old; 10-21-16

Elle’s Sassafras (1.6 pounds at 8 weeks old) – a pumpkin (15 ounces) just her size; 10-24-16

Shellie’s Dina – molted cream tabby girl; 15 weeks old; 10-25-16

Kristine’s Mackenzie, red potted tabby & white girl, 4 ½ months old; photo from 10-26-16. Mackenzie is headed to Cordova, TN.

Sally’s girl Zinna, a red point (flame point) at 8 weeks old; 10-28-16

Fun time with kittens – Sally (left) with Zinnia, and Molly (right) with Cinnamon Dulce along with Albie on her lap; 10-28-16

Sydney – getting in the Halloween spirit (10-30-16). Sydney now makes her home with Sophia, Dawnya & Bobby in Justin, TX.

Mary & Kurt’s Aldis – black boy – first steps; 3 weeks old; 11-4-16

Whitney (left) & Tammy (right); both are mackerel tabby girls – Tammy has the addition of white; 14 weeks old; 11-9-16. Whitney & Tammy now make their home with Jessica, Kyle, Blake and family in Ozark, MO. They were renamed Sweetpea & Poppy.

Melissa’s Albie on the cat track. Here Albie is 10½ weeks old and a total schmooze; he has a pleasingly weird intensity whether he’s loving or playing; 11-15-16

Mary & Kurt’s “Aldis”, a sweet black boy, 4½ weeks old, is surprised by “Feathers”, the Ty Beanie Boo turkey. This the season! 11-18-16

Damian (left) & Talar (right) visit with kittens. Stanley, their boy, a seal point & white, sits with Damian; Zinnia is on Damian’s knee, and Talar holds baby Itzel, Cinnamon Dulce, and Albie; 11-19-16

Stanley, almost 5 weeks old, is sheltered by his new dad Damian. Stanley is a seal point & white Devon Rex kitten who will make his home with Damian and Talar in Austin next year; 11-19-16

Elle, Andrea & Ryan’s Sassafras contemplating “Feathers” the Ty Beanie Boo turkey; 11-20-16

Cari’s Creamsicle – baby cream tabby & white boy, 6½ weeks old – on his morning prowl; 12-2-16

Gabe, Sabrina & Brett’s Gemma – beautiful, little, red classic tabby girl – 5½ weeks old; 11-22-16

Tommy’s Nico – black boy – 5 weeks old; 11-22-16

Bridgett & Tom’s Gizmo – handsome, 5½ week old, silver tabby & white boy; 11-22-16. Gizmo will join Bridgett & Tom in Moline, IL, when he is ready to leave home.

Julia & Bounta’s Solo – silver patched tabby girl – 5½ weeks old; 11-22-16

Nick & Taylor’s Meesha – red spotted mackerel tabby girl, 6½ weeks old – just relaxing and watching the sights outside; 12-1-16

Gillian’s Itzel, seal tortie point & white girl – stalking the Santa hat; 12-10-16

Melissa’s Albie – packed and ready for his ride to the airport: Albie is heading to Seattle, WA; 12-11-16

Elle, Andrea, and Ryan’s Sassafras captures the elf’s hat; 12-12-16

Julia & Bounta’s Picard – curious, 8 week old, black & white boy; 12-12-16

Gabe, Sabrina & Brett’s beautiful little Gemma – red classic tabby girl, 8 weeks old; she’s posing on a shelf; 12-12-16

Damian & Talar’s Stanley – seal point & white boy; 8 week old; 12-12-16

Mary & Kurt’s Aldis – curiousity motivated this 8-week-old, black boy; 12-12-16

Bridgett & Tom’s Gizmo – dashing, silver spotted mackerel tabby & white boy, 8 weeks old; 12-12-16

Best buds: Tommy’s Nico and Elle’s Sassafras; 12-13-16

Marian’s Sawyer – seal point boy, 8 weeks old; 12-13-16

David & Jody’s Neon-Cat Mick – dashing red & white boy at 3½ weeks old; 12-12-16

David & Jody’s Neon-Cat Avi – 4 week old tortie Devon Rex – stepping out; 12-15-16

America it’s cold outside!! David & Jody’s Neon-Cat Mick, Devon Rex, almost 5 weeks old; 12-20-16

Hattie’s Neon-Cat Bosco: “You want me to hang the stockings?!?” (4½ week old black Devon Rex) 12-24-16

Gillian and Itzel – getting some love; 12-26-16

Itzel posing in the sunshine. Itzel is a seal tortie point & white Devon Rex girl; 10 weeks old; 12-26-16

Tommy’s Nico – 10 week old molted black Devon boy; 12-26-16

Damian & Talar’s Stanley looking elegantly handsome – seal point & white Devon Rex – 10 weeks old; 12-26-16

Nick & Taylor’s Meesha – looking for stray elves on Christmas day, 2016. Meesha is a pretty little red mackerel tabby Devon. Notice her red tabby necklace

Cari’s Creamsicle: “Strike a pose? Are you kidding?” Creamsicle is a 10 week old cream tabby & white Devon Rex boy in this photo from 12-25-16.

Mary & Kurt’s Aldis – soft-furred intensity in a small package; 11 weeks old; 12-30-16

Julia & Bounta’s Solo (top) and Itzel – cousins at play; 11 weeks old; 12-30-16

Bridgett & Tom’s Gizmo – silver tabby & white boy; 12-30-16

Gabe, Sabrina & Brett’s Gemma – pretty, little, red classic tabby girl at 11 weeks old; 12-30-16

Julia & Bounta’s Picard – late afternoon during winter; refined black & white boy dressed in his ‘tuxedo’; 11 weeks old; 12-30-16

Big brothers often have to put up with many things – here Marian’s Sawyer steals himself to be pounced on from above by his sister Gillian’s Itzel; 12-30-16

JoAnne & Matt’s Zeplin – little kitty, big window. Zeplin is a red point boy shown here at 5½ weeks old; 1-1-17

Damian & Talar’s Stanley (center): “Who us? Of course we didn’t walk on the valence!” Tommy’s Nico (rear) looks guilty and Marian’s Sawyer (left) feigns innocence with a yawn. Photo from 1-5-17.

Nick & Taylor’s Meesha – 12 week old, red mackerel tabby girl – first kitten awake on a cold winter day; 1-6-17

Nick & Taylor’s Meesha – morning callisthenics; 1-6-17

Afternoon snow in Fort Worth, TX! Marian’s Sawyer, seal point Devon Rex, 12 weeks old, watches it fall; 1-6-17

Andi, William & Chris’ Tobias – 8 week old, blue-eyed, red point boy – he’s a playful fellow; 1-17-17

Hattie’s Bosco – 8 week old black Devon Rex boy – morning play. Bosco will join Hattie in OK soon; 1-17-17

JoAnne & Matt’s Zeplin – blue-eyed, red point & white boy; 8 weeks old – mock pounce! Zeplin will head to Las Vegas, NV soon. Photo from 1-17-17.

Jody & David’s Avi (tortie) & Mick (red & white) – protrait. Avi & Mick will soon help make “Naked Wines” in Oregon. Photo from 1-17-17.

Jody & David’s Mick – playing under a little bench; 8 weeks old; 1-17-17

Julia & Bounta’s Picard (left; black & white boy) and Solo (right; patched tabby girl) – 14½ week old siblings – they’ll be off to Utah in a few days to live with Julia and Bounta; 1-26-17

Hattie, on a visit to her kitten Bosco, has older kitten Sawyer totally charmed; 1-26-17

Sue R. & family’s Holmes – red spotted mackerel tabby, 10 weeks old; 1-29-17

Holmes: “It looks nothing like me!!” 1-29-17

Jody & David’s Mick – something’s got his attention. Mick is a 10 week old red tabby & white boy; 1-30-17

Just how big is your kitten? People are always amazed to see that their babies are not as big as they imagined. Here Mick poses next to a typical 12 ounce soda can – Mick is 10 weeks old and weighs 2.4 pounds (an average weight for kittens his age); 1-30-17

Jody & David’s Avi models her Valentine heart pendant; 1-30-17

Another photo of 10 week old Avi wearing her heart necklace; 1-30-17

JoAnne & Matt’s Zeplin – 10 week old red point boy – soft & fluffy; 2-1-17

Andi, William & Chris’ Tobias at the setting of the sun. Toby is a 10 week old, red point boy; 2-1-17

Judy & children’s Newman: “My Patriots are behind, end of the first half.” (Patriots win Super Bowl 51 in overtime at the end.) 2-5-17

Hattie’s Bosco gets out of the carrier after his visit to the vet’s for a booster shot and check up; 11½ weeks old; 2-7-17

Sue’s Holmes getting out of the carrier after a visit to the vet’s for a booster shot and check-up; 11½ weeks old; 2-7-17

David & Jody’s Mick bats the Gatorade bottle cap; 11½ week old, red tabby & white boy; 2-8-17

Abby’s Ramsey looking for a Valentine; 12 week old, red spotted mackerel tabby boy; 2-13-17

Jessica & Kyle’s Lindy Bop – colorful, 5 week old, tortie & white girl; 2-13-17

Devons love to mess with hair – here’s 6 week old Lune going for Sophie’s gold; 2-21-17

David & Jody’s Avi – beautiful, little, 14-week-old tortie girl – morning at the window; 2-23-17

David & Jody’s Mick in the sun – he’s ready for the morning. Mick is a 14 week old, red & white boy 2-23-17

Andi & Chris’ Toby – a cute, little alien; Toby is a 14 week old red point; 2-23-17

Hattie’s Bosco in the window; molted black boy, 14 weeks old; 2-23-17

JoAnne & Matt’s Zeplin: “Meow!!” Zep is a 14 week old red point boy; 2-23-17

Judy’s Newman in the window – 14 week old red boy; 2-23-17

Meatloaf – just running around; 9-15-14

Fresno Chili Pepper – red classic tabby & white boy; 8-9-14

Aimee – headshot; 6-8-14

Kittens out of the hat – Ethan with BeBe (left) and Mazzy (right); 6-10-14

Friend Ethan with four week old BeBe and Mazzy

Vinca, blue-silver patched tabby girl – sitting pretty; 4-14-14

Vinca – teaser capture; 4-14-14

Brandon snags a roll of toilet paper; Brandon is a red point kitten; 7-1-14